Android Get Download Cache Directory Permission

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added in version 22.1.0
belongs to Maven artifact

Cache directory is the application specific directory on the file system where the files in this directory get deleted first when the device runs low on storage. In this article, we will create an Android application which allows users to input some content into an EditText widget and store those content in a file located in the temporary. However, CacheManager.getCacheFileBaseDir() always returns null. Do I need to create the cache folder in the android emulator? If yes, how can. Stack Overflow. Log In Sign Up; current community. My cache folder in Android is null. Do I have to create it? Do I need to add any permission in order to use the cache apart from the. Just how to get plain vanilla android on a purchased device. – bgs Jan 6 '11 at 19:20 No such prompt occurs on my Android 7.1.1 device. But adb goes ahead and lists contents of the directory.

How to get my Android device Internal Download Folder path [duplicate]. How to access downloads folder in android? 3 answers It is possible to get the Android device Internal Download Folder path? Android download storage internal. Permission android:name='android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE' /> Happy coding. Return the download/cache content directory. Static File: getExternalStorageDirectory() Return the primary shared/external storage directory. Writing to this path requires the Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission. Get Android and Google Play news by email. Android Saving Files on Internal and External Storage. We can open a File object representing the cache directory in the internal storage by using the getCacheDir() method. Let’s see some code to create cache files. 10 thoughts on “Android Saving Files on Internal and External Storage” john says: April 15, 2015 at 2:56 PM.

Summary: Inherited Constants Ctors Methods Inherited Methods [Expand All]

public class FileProvider
extends ContentProvider


FileProvider is a special subclass of ContentProvider that facilitates secure sharing of files associated with an app by creating a content://Uri for a file instead of a file:///Uri.

A content URI allows you to grant read and write access using temporary access permissions. When you create an Intent containing a content URI, in order to send the content URI to a client app, you can also call Intent.setFlags() to add permissions. These permissions are available to the client app for as long as the stack for a receiving Activity is active. For an Intent going to a Service, the permissions are available as long as the Service is running.

In comparison, to control access to a file:///Uri you have to modify the file system permissions of the underlying file. The permissions you provide become available to any app, and remain in effect until you change them. This level of access is fundamentally insecure.

The increased level of file access security offered by a content URI makes FileProvider a key part of Android's security infrastructure.

This overview of FileProvider includes the following topics:

Defining a FileProvider

Since the default functionality of FileProvider includes content URI generation for files, you don't need to define a subclass in code. Instead, you can include a FileProvider in your app by specifying it entirely in XML. To specify the FileProvider component itself, add a <provider> element to your app manifest. Set the android:name attribute to Set the android:authorities attribute to a URI authority based on a domain you control; for example, if you control the domain you should use the authority com.mydomain.fileprovider. Set the android:exported attribute to false; the FileProvider does not need to be public. Set the android:grantUriPermissions attribute to true, to allow you to grant temporary access to files. For example:

If you want to override any of the default behavior of FileProvider methods, extend the FileProvider class and use the fully-qualified class name in the android:name attribute of the <provider> element.

Specifying Available Files

A FileProvider can only generate a content URI for files in directories that you specify beforehand. To specify a directory, specify the its storage area and path in XML, using child elements of the <paths> element. For example, the following paths element tells FileProvider that you intend to request content URIs for the images/ subdirectory of your private file area.

The <paths> element must contain one or more of the following child elements:

Represents files in the files/ subdirectory of your app's internal storage area. This subdirectory is the same as the value returned by Context.getFilesDir().
Represents files in the cache subdirectory of your app's internal storage area. The root path of this subdirectory is the same as the value returned by getCacheDir().
Represents files in the root of the external storage area. The root path of this subdirectory is the same as the value returned by Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().
Represents files in the root of your app's external storage area. The root path of this subdirectory is the same as the value returned by Context#getExternalFilesDir(String) Context.getExternalFilesDir(null).
Represents files in the root of your app's external cache area. The root path of this subdirectory is the same as the value returned by Context.getExternalCacheDir().
Represents files in the root of your app's external media area. The root path of this subdirectory is the same as the value returned by the first result of Context.getExternalMediaDirs().

Note: this directory is only available on API 21+ devices.

These child elements all use the same attributes:

A URI path segment. To enforce security, this value hides the name of the subdirectory you're sharing. The subdirectory name for this value is contained in the path attribute.
The subdirectory you're sharing. While the name attribute is a URI path segment, the path value is an actual subdirectory name. Notice that the value refers to a subdirectory, not an individual file or files. You can't share a single file by its file name, nor can you specify a subset of files using wildcards.

You must specify a child element of <paths> for each directory that contains files for which you want content URIs. For example, these XML elements specify two directories:

Put the <paths> element and its children in an XML file in your project. For example, you can add them to a new file called res/xml/file_paths.xml. To link this file to the FileProvider, add a <meta-data> element as a child of the <provider> element that defines the FileProvider. Set the <meta-data> element's 'android:name' attribute to Set the element's 'android:resource' attribute to @xml/file_paths (notice that you don't specify the .xml extension). For example:

Generating the Content URI for a File

To share a file with another app using a content URI, your app has to generate the content URI. To generate the content URI, create a new File for the file, then pass the File to getUriForFile(). You can send the content URI returned by getUriForFile() to another app in an Intent. The client app that receives the content URI can open the file and access its contents by calling ContentResolver.openFileDescriptor to get a ParcelFileDescriptor.

For example, suppose your app is offering files to other apps with a FileProvider that has the authority com.mydomain.fileprovider. To get a content URI for the file default_image.jpg in the images/ subdirectory of your internal storage add the following code: As a result of the previous snippet, getUriForFile() returns the content URI content://com.mydomain.fileprovider/my_images/default_image.jpg.

Granting Temporary Permissions to a URI

To grant an access permission to a content URI returned from getUriForFile(), do one of the following:
  • Call the method Context.grantUriPermission(package, Uri, mode_flags) for the content://Uri, using the desired mode flags. This grants temporary access permission for the content URI to the specified package, according to the value of the the mode_flags parameter, which you can set to FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION, FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION or both. The permission remains in effect until you revoke it by calling revokeUriPermission() or until the device reboots.
  • Put the content URI in an Intent by calling setData().
  • Next, call the method Intent.setFlags() with either FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION or FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION or both.
  • Finally, send the Intent to another app. Most often, you do this by calling setResult().

    Permissions granted in an Intent remain in effect while the stack of the receiving Activity is active. When the stack finishes, the permissions are automatically removed. Permissions granted to one Activity in a client app are automatically extended to other components of that app.

Serving a Content URI to Another App

There are a variety of ways to serve the content URI for a file to a client app. One common way is for the client app to start your app by calling startActivityResult(), which sends an Intent to your app to start an Activity in your app. In response, your app can immediately return a content URI to the client app or present a user interface that allows the user to pick a file. In the latter case, once the user picks the file your app can return its content URI. In both cases, your app returns the content URI in an Intent sent via setResult().

You can also put the content URI in a ClipData object and then add the object to an Intent you send to a client app. To do this, call Intent.setClipData(). When you use this approach, you can add multiple ClipData objects to the Intent, each with its own content URI. When you call Intent.setFlags() on the Intent to set temporary access permissions, the same permissions are applied to all of the content URIs.

Note: The Intent.setClipData() method is only available in platform version 16 (Android 4.1) and later. If you want to maintain compatibility with previous versions, you should send one content URI at a time in the Intent. Set the action to ACTION_SEND and put the URI in data by calling setData().

More Information

To learn more about FileProvider, see the Android training class Sharing Files Securely with URIs.


Inherited constants

From interface android.content.ComponentCallbacks2

Public constructors


Public methods

voidattachInfo(Context context, ProviderInfo info)

After the FileProvider is instantiated, this method is called to provide the system with information about the provider.

intdelete(Uri uri, String selection, String[] selectionArgs)

Deletes the file associated with the specified content URI, as returned by getUriForFile().

StringgetType(Uri uri)

Returns the MIME type of a content URI returned by getUriForFile().

static UrigetUriForFile(Context context, String authority, File file)

Return a content URI for a given File.

Uriinsert(Uri uri, ContentValues values)

By default, this method throws an UnsupportedOperationException.


The default FileProvider implementation does not need to be initialized.

ParcelFileDescriptoropenFile(Uri uri, String mode)

By default, FileProvider automatically returns the ParcelFileDescriptor for a file associated with a content://Uri.

Cursorquery(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder)

Use a content URI returned by getUriForFile() to get information about a file managed by the FileProvider.

intupdate(Uri uri, ContentValues values, String selection, String[] selectionArgs)

By default, this method throws an UnsupportedOperationException.

Inherited methods

ContentProviderResult[] applyBatch(ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> arg0)
void attachInfo(Context arg0, ProviderInfo arg1)
int bulkInsert(Uri arg0, ContentValues[] arg1)
Bundle call(String arg0, String arg1, Bundle arg2)
Uri canonicalize(Uri arg0)
abstract int delete(Uri arg0, String arg1, String[] arg2)
void dump(FileDescriptor arg0, PrintWriter arg1, String[] arg2)
final String getCallingPackage()
final Context getContext()
final PathPermission[] getPathPermissions()
final String getReadPermission()
String[] getStreamTypes(Uri arg0, String arg1)
abstract String getType(Uri arg0)
final String getWritePermission()
abstract Uri insert(Uri arg0, ContentValues arg1)
boolean isTemporary()
void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration arg0)
abstract boolean onCreate()
void onLowMemory()
void onTrimMemory(int arg0)
AssetFileDescriptor openAssetFile(Uri arg0, String arg1, CancellationSignal arg2)
AssetFileDescriptor openAssetFile(Uri arg0, String arg1)
ParcelFileDescriptor openFile(Uri arg0, String arg1, CancellationSignal arg2)
ParcelFileDescriptor openFile(Uri arg0, String arg1)
final ParcelFileDescriptor openFileHelper(Uri arg0, String arg1)
<T> ParcelFileDescriptor openPipeHelper(Uri arg0, String arg1, Bundle arg2, T arg3, PipeDataWriter<T> arg4)
AssetFileDescriptor openTypedAssetFile(Uri arg0, String arg1, Bundle arg2)
AssetFileDescriptor openTypedAssetFile(Uri arg0, String arg1, Bundle arg2, CancellationSignal arg3)
Cursor query(Uri arg0, String[] arg1, Bundle arg2, CancellationSignal arg3)
Cursor query(Uri arg0, String[] arg1, String arg2, String[] arg3, String arg4, CancellationSignal arg5)
abstract Cursor query(Uri arg0, String[] arg1, String arg2, String[] arg3, String arg4)
boolean refresh(Uri arg0, Bundle arg1, CancellationSignal arg2)
final void setPathPermissions(PathPermission[] arg0)
final void setReadPermission(String arg0)
final void setWritePermission(String arg0)
void shutdown()
Uri uncanonicalize(Uri arg0)
abstract int update(Uri arg0, ContentValues arg1, String arg2, String[] arg3)
Fromclass java.lang.Object
Object clone()
boolean equals(Object arg0)
void finalize()
final Class<?> getClass()
int hashCode()
final void notify()
final void notifyAll()
String toString()
final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void wait(long arg0)
final void wait()
abstract void onTrimMemory(int arg0)
abstract void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration arg0)
abstract void onLowMemory()

Public constructors


Public methods


After the FileProvider is instantiated, this method is called to provide the system with information about the provider.

contextContext: A Context for the current component.
infoProviderInfo: A ProviderInfo for the new provider.


Deletes the file associated with the specified content URI, as returned by getUriForFile(). Notice that this method does not throw an IOException; you must check its return value.

uriUri: A content URI for a file, as returned by getUriForFile().
selectionString: Ignored. Set to null.
selectionArgsString: Ignored. Set to null.
int1 if the delete succeeds; otherwise, 0.


Returns the MIME type of a content URI returned by getUriForFile().

uriUri: A content URI returned by getUriForFile().
StringIf the associated file has an extension, the MIME type associated with that extension; otherwise application/octet-stream.


Return a content URI for a given File. Specific temporary permissions for the content URI can be set with grantUriPermission(String, Uri, int), or added to an Intent by calling setData() and then setFlags(); in both cases, the applicable flags are FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION and FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION. A FileProvider can only return a contentUri for file paths defined in their <paths> meta-data element. See the Class Overview for more information.

contextContext: A Context for the current component.
authorityString: The authority of a FileProvider defined in a <provider> element in your app's manifest.
fileFile: A File pointing to the filename for which you want a contentUri.
UriA content URI for the file.
IllegalArgumentExceptionWhen the given File is outside the paths supported by the provider.


By default, this method throws an UnsupportedOperationException. You must subclass FileProvider if you want to provide different functionality.



The default FileProvider implementation does not need to be initialized. If you want to override this method, you must provide your own subclass of FileProvider.



By default, FileProvider automatically returns the ParcelFileDescriptor for a file associated with a content://Uri. To get the ParcelFileDescriptor, call ContentResolver.openFileDescriptor. To override this method, you must provide your own subclass of FileProvider.

uriUri: A content URI associated with a file, as returned by getUriForFile().
modeString: Access mode for the file. May be 'r' for read-only access, 'rw' for read and write access, or 'rwt' for read and write access that truncates any existing file.
ParcelFileDescriptorA new ParcelFileDescriptor with which you can access the file.


Use a content URI returned by getUriForFile() to get information about a file managed by the FileProvider. FileProvider reports the column names defined in OpenableColumns:

For more information, see ContentProvider.query().
uriUri: A content URI returned by getUriForFile(Context, String, File).
projectionString: The list of columns to put into the Cursor. If null all columns are included.
selectionString: Selection criteria to apply. If null then all data that matches the content URI is returned.
selectionArgsString: An array of String, containing arguments to bind to the selection parameter. The query method scans selection from left to right and iterates through selectionArgs, replacing the current '?' character in selection with the value at the current position in selectionArgs. The values are bound to selection as String values.
sortOrderString: A String containing the column name(s) on which to sort the resulting Cursor.
CursorA Cursor containing the results of the query.


By default, this method throws an UnsupportedOperationException. You must subclass FileProvider if you want to provide different functionality.


Warframe Stuck At Verifying Download Cache

  • Interfaces

  • Classes

Summary: Constants Ctors Inherited Methods

public static final class Manifest.permission
extends Object





Allows a calling app to continue a call which was started in another app.


Allows an app to access location in the background.


Allows read/write access to the 'properties' table in the checkin database, to change values that get uploaded.


Allows an app to access approximate location.


Allows an app to access precise location.


Allows an application to access extra location provider commands.


Allows an application to access any geographic locations persisted in the user's shared collection.


Allows applications to access information about networks.


Marker permission for applications that wish to access notification policy.


Allows applications to access information about Wi-Fi networks.


Allows applications to call into AccountAuthenticators.


Allows an application to recognize physical activity.


Allows an application to add voicemails into the system.


Allows the app to answer an incoming phone call.


Allows an application to collect battery statistics

Protection level: signature privileged development


Must be required by an AccessibilityService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.


Allows an application to tell the AppWidget service which application can access AppWidget's data.


Must be required by a AutofillService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.


Must be required by a CallRedirectionService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.


A subclass of CarrierMessagingClientService must be protected with this permission.


This constant was deprecated in API level 23. Use BIND_CARRIER_SERVICES instead


The system process that is allowed to bind to services in carrier apps will have this permission.


Must be required by a ChooserTargetService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.


Must be required by a ConditionProviderService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.


Must be required by device administration receiver, to ensure that only the system can interact with it.


Must be required by an DreamService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.


Must be required by a InCallService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.


Must be required by an InputMethodService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.


Must be required by an MidiDeviceService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.


Must be required by a HostApduService or OffHostApduService to ensure that only the system can bind to it.


Must be required by an NotificationListenerService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.


Must be required by a PrintService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.


Allows an application to bind to third party quick settings tiles.


Must be required by a RemoteViewsService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.


Must be required by a CallScreeningService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.


Must be required by a ConnectionService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.


Must be required by a TextService (e.g.


Must be required by a TvInputService to ensure that only the system can bind to it.


Must be required by a link VisualVoicemailService to ensure that only the system can bind to it.


Must be required by a VoiceInteractionService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.


Must be required by a VpnService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.


Must be required by an VrListenerService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.


Must be required by a WallpaperService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.


Allows applications to connect to paired bluetooth devices.


Allows applications to discover and pair bluetooth devices.


Allows applications to pair bluetooth devices without user interaction, and to allow or disallow phonebook access or message access.


Allows an application to access data from sensors that the user uses to measure what is happening inside his/her body, such as heart rate.


Allows an application to broadcast a notification that an application package has been removed.


Allows an application to broadcast an SMS receipt notification.


Allows an application to broadcast sticky intents.


Allows an application to broadcast a WAP PUSH receipt notification.


Allows an app which implements the InCallService API to be eligible to be enabled as a calling companion app.


Allows an application to initiate a phone call without going through the Dialer user interface for the user to confirm the call.


Allows an application to call any phone number, including emergency numbers, without going through the Dialer user interface for the user to confirm the call being placed.


Required to be able to access the camera device.


Allows an application to capture audio output.


Allows an application to change whether an application component (other than its own) is enabled or not.


Allows an application to modify the current configuration, such as locale.


Allows applications to change network connectivity state.


Allows applications to enter Wi-Fi Multicast mode.


Allows applications to change Wi-Fi connectivity state.


Allows an application to clear the caches of all installed applications on the device.


Allows enabling/disabling location update notifications from the radio.


Old permission for deleting an app's cache files, no longer used, but signals for us to quietly ignore calls instead of throwing an exception.


Allows an application to delete packages.


Allows applications to RW to diagnostic resources.


Allows applications to disable the keyguard if it is not secure.


Allows an application to retrieve state dump information from system services.


Allows an application to expand or collapse the status bar.


Run as a manufacturer test application, running as the root user.


Allows a regular application to use Service.startForeground.


Allows access to the list of accounts in the Accounts Service.


Allows access to the list of accounts in the Accounts Service.


Allows an application to find out the space used by any package.


This constant was deprecated in API level 21. No longer enforced.


This permission can be used on content providers to allow the global search system to access their data.


Allows an application to install a location provider into the Location Manager.


Allows an application to install packages.


Allows an application to install a shortcut in Launcher.


Allows an instant app to create foreground services.


Allows applications to open network sockets.


Allows an application to call ActivityManager.killBackgroundProcesses(String).


Allows an application to use location features in hardware, such as the geofencing api.


Allows an application to manage access to documents, usually as part of a document picker.


Allows a calling application which manages it own calls through the self-managed ConnectionService APIs.


Not for use by third-party applications.


Allows an application to know what content is playing and control its playback.


Allows an application to modify global audio settings.


Allows modification of the telephony state - power on, mmi, etc.


Allows formatting file systems for removable storage.


Allows mounting and unmounting file systems for removable storage.


Allows applications to perform I/O operations over NFC.


Allows applications to receive NFC transaction events.


Allows an application to collect component usage statistics

Declaring the permission implies intention to use the API and the user of the device can grant permission through the Settings application.


This constant was deprecated in API level 15. This functionality will be removed in the future; please do not use. Allow an application to make its activities persistent.


This constant was deprecated in API level 29. Applications should use CallRedirectionService instead of the Intent.ACTION_NEW_OUTGOING_CALL broadcast.


Allows an application to read the user's calendar data.


Allows an application to read the user's call log.


Allows an application to read the user's contacts data.


Allows an application to read from external storage.


This constant was deprecated in API level 16. The API that used this permission has been removed.


Allows an application to read the low-level system log files.


Allows read access to the device's phone number(s).


Allows read only access to phone state, including the phone number of the device, current cellular network information, the status of any ongoing calls, and a list of any PhoneAccounts registered on the device.


Allows an application to read SMS messages.


Allows applications to read the sync settings.


Allows applications to read the sync stats.


Allows an application to read voicemails in the system.


Required to be able to reboot the device.


Allows an application to receive the Intent.ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED that is broadcast after the system finishes booting.


Allows an application to monitor incoming MMS messages.


Allows an application to receive SMS messages.


Allows an application to receive WAP push messages.


Allows an application to record audio.


Allows an application to change the Z-order of tasks.


Allows a companion app to run in the background.


Allows a companion app to use data in the background.


Allows an application to request deleting packages.


Permission an application must hold in order to use Settings.ACTION_REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS.


Allows an application to request installing packages.


Allows an application to request the screen lock complexity and prompt users to update the screen lock to a certain complexity level.


This constant was deprecated in API level 15. The ActivityManager.restartPackage(String) API is no longer supported.


Allows an application (Phone) to send a request to other applications to handle the respond-via-message action during incoming calls.


Allows an application to send SMS messages.


Allows an application to broadcast an Intent to set an alarm for the user.


Allows an application to control whether activities are immediately finished when put in the background.


Modify the global animation scaling factor.


Configure an application for debugging.


This constant was deprecated in API level 15. No longer useful, see PackageManager.addPackageToPreferred(String) for details.


Allows an application to set the maximum number of (not needed) application processes that can be running.


Allows applications to set the system time.


Allows applications to set the system time zone.


Allows applications to set the wallpaper.


Allows applications to set the wallpaper hints.


Allow an application to request that a signal be sent to all persistent processes.


Allows financial apps to read filtered sms messages.


Allows the holder to start the permission usage screen for an app.


Allows an application to open, close, or disable the status bar and its icons.


Allows an app to create windows using the type WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY, shown on top of all other apps.


Allows using the device's IR transmitter, if available.


Don't use this permission in your app.


Allows an application to update device statistics.


Allows an app to use device supported biometric modalities.


This constant was deprecated in API level 28. Applications should request USE_BIOMETRIC instead


Required for apps targeting Build.VERSION_CODES.Q that want to use notification full screen intents.


Allows an application to use SIP service.


Allows access to the vibrator.


Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming.


Allows applications to write the apn settings and read sensitive fields of an existing apn settings like user and password.


Allows an application to write the user's calendar data.


Allows an application to write (but not read) the user's call log data.


Allows an application to write the user's contacts data.


Allows an application to write to external storage.


Allows an application to modify the Google service map.


Allows an application to read or write the secure system settings.


Allows an application to read or write the system settings.


Allows applications to write the sync settings.


Allows an application to modify and remove existing voicemails in the system.

Public constructors


Inherited methods

From class java.lang.Object

Creates and returns a copy of this object.

booleanequals(Object obj)

Indicates whether some other object is 'equal to' this one.


Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.

final Class<?>getClass()

Returns the runtime class of this Object.


Returns a hash code value for the object.

final voidnotify()

Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's monitor.

final voidnotifyAll()

Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's monitor.


Returns a string representation of the object.

final voidwait(long timeout, int nanos)

Causes the current thread to wait until another thread invokes the notify() method or the notifyAll() method for this object, or some other thread interrupts the current thread, or a certain amount of real time has elapsed.

final voidwait(long timeout)

Causes the current thread to wait until either another thread invokes the notify() method or the notifyAll() method for this object, or a specified amount of time has elapsed.

final voidwait()

Causes the current thread to wait until another thread invokes the notify() method or the notifyAll() method for this object.



Allows a calling app to continue a call which was started in another app. An example is a video calling app that wants to continue a voice call on the user's mobile network.

When the handover of a call from one app to another takes place, there are two devices which are involved in the handover; the initiating and receiving devices. The initiating device is where the request to handover the call was started, and the receiving device is where the handover request is confirmed by the other party.

This permission protects access to the TelecomManager.acceptHandover(Uri, int, PhoneAccountHandle) which the receiving side of the handover uses to accept a handover.

Protection level: dangerous

Constant Value: 'android.permission.ACCEPT_HANDOVER'


Allows an app to access location in the background. If you're requesting this permission, you must also request either ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION. Requesting this permission by itself doesn't give you location access.

Protection level: dangerous

This is a hard restricted permission which cannot be held by an app until the installer on record whitelists the permission. For more details see )'>PackageInstaller.SessionParams.setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions(Set).

Constant Value: 'android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION'


Allows read/write access to the 'properties' table in the checkin database, to change values that get uploaded.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.ACCESS_CHECKIN_PROPERTIES'


Allows an app to access approximate location. Alternatively, you might want ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION.

Protection level: dangerous

Constant Value: 'android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION'


Allows an app to access precise location. Alternatively, you might want ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION.

Protection level: dangerous

Constant Value: 'android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION'


Allows an application to access extra location provider commands.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.ACCESS_LOCATION_EXTRA_COMMANDS'


Allows an application to access any geographic locations persisted in the user's shared collection.

Protection level: dangerous

Constant Value: 'android.permission.ACCESS_MEDIA_LOCATION'


Allows applications to access information about networks.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE'


Marker permission for applications that wish to access notification policy. This permission is not supported on managed profiles.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.ACCESS_NOTIFICATION_POLICY'



Allows applications to access information about Wi-Fi networks.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE'


Allows applications to call into AccountAuthenticators.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.ACCOUNT_MANAGER'


Allows an application to recognize physical activity.

Protection level: dangerous

Constant Value: 'android.permission.ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION'


Allows an application to add voicemails into the system.

Protection level: dangerous

Constant Value: ''


Allows the app to answer an incoming phone call.

Protection level: dangerous

Constant Value: 'android.permission.ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS'


Allows an application to collect battery statistics

Protection level: signature privileged development

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BATTERY_STATS'


Must be required by an AccessibilityService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.

Protection level: signature

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE'


Allows an application to tell the AppWidget service which application can access AppWidget's data. The normal user flow is that a user picks an AppWidget to go into a particular host, thereby giving that host application access to the private data from the AppWidget app. An application that has this permission should honor that contract.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_APPWIDGET'


Must be required by a AutofillService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.

Protection level: signature

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_AUTOFILL_SERVICE'


Must be required by a CallRedirectionService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.

Protection level: signature privileged

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_CALL_REDIRECTION_SERVICE'


A subclass of CarrierMessagingClientService must be protected with this permission.

Protection level: signature

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_CARRIER_MESSAGING_CLIENT_SERVICE'


This constant was deprecated in API level 23.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_CARRIER_MESSAGING_SERVICE'


The system process that is allowed to bind to services in carrier apps will have this permission. Carrier apps should use this permission to protect their services that only the system is allowed to bind to.

Protection level: signature privileged

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_CARRIER_SERVICES'


Must be required by a ChooserTargetService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.

Protection level: signature

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_CHOOSER_TARGET_SERVICE'


Must be required by a ConditionProviderService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.

Protection level: signature

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_CONDITION_PROVIDER_SERVICE'


Must be required by device administration receiver, to ensure that only the system can interact with it.

Protection level: signature

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN'


Must be required by an DreamService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.

Protection level: signature

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_DREAM_SERVICE'


Must be required by a InCallService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.

Protection level: signature privileged

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_INCALL_SERVICE'


Must be required by an InputMethodService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.

Protection level: signature

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_INPUT_METHOD'


Must be required by an MidiDeviceService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.

Protection level: signature

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_MIDI_DEVICE_SERVICE'


Must be required by a HostApduService or OffHostApduService to ensure that only the system can bind to it.

Protection level: signature

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_NFC_SERVICE'


Must be required by an NotificationListenerService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.

Protection level: signature

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SERVICE'


Must be required by a PrintService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.

Protection level: signature

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_PRINT_SERVICE'


Allows an application to bind to third party quick settings tiles.

Should only be requested by the System, should be required by TileService declarations.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_QUICK_SETTINGS_TILE'


Must be required by a RemoteViewsService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.

Protection level: signature privileged

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_REMOTEVIEWS'


Must be required by a CallScreeningService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.

Protection level: signature privileged

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_SCREENING_SERVICE'


Must be required by a ConnectionService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.

Protection level: signature privileged

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_TELECOM_CONNECTION_SERVICE'


Must be required by a TextService (e.g. SpellCheckerService) to ensure that only the system can bind to it.

Protection level: signature

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_TEXT_SERVICE'


Must be required by a TvInputService to ensure that only the system can bind to it.

Protection level: signature privileged

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_TV_INPUT'


Must be required by a link VisualVoicemailService to ensure that only the system can bind to it.

Protection level: signature privileged

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_VISUAL_VOICEMAIL_SERVICE'


Must be required by a VoiceInteractionService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.

Protection level: signature

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_VOICE_INTERACTION'


Must be required by a VpnService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.

Protection level: signature

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_VPN_SERVICE'


Must be required by an VrListenerService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.

Protection level: signature

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_VR_LISTENER_SERVICE'


Must be required by a WallpaperService, to ensure that only the system can bind to it.

Protection level: signature privileged

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPER'


Allows applications to connect to paired bluetooth devices.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BLUETOOTH'


Allows applications to discover and pair bluetooth devices.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN'


Allows applications to pair bluetooth devices without user interaction, and to allow or disallow phonebook access or message access.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BLUETOOTH_PRIVILEGED'


Allows an application to access data from sensors that the user uses to measure what is happening inside his/her body, such as heart rate.

Protection level: dangerous

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BODY_SENSORS'


Allows an application to broadcast a notification that an application package has been removed.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BROADCAST_PACKAGE_REMOVED'


Allows an application to broadcast an SMS receipt notification.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BROADCAST_SMS'


Allows an application to broadcast sticky intents. These are broadcasts whose data is held by the system after being finished, so that clients can quickly retrieve that data without having to wait for the next broadcast.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BROADCAST_STICKY'


Allows an application to broadcast a WAP PUSH receipt notification.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.BROADCAST_WAP_PUSH'


Allows an app which implements the InCallService API to be eligible to be enabled as a calling companion app. This means that the Telecom framework will bind to the app's InCallService implementation when there are calls active. The app can use the InCallService API to view information about calls on the system and control these calls.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.CALL_COMPANION_APP'


Allows an application to initiate a phone call without going through the Dialer user interface for the user to confirm the call.

Protection level: dangerous

Constant Value: 'android.permission.CALL_PHONE'


Allows an application to call any phone number, including emergency numbers, without going through the Dialer user interface for the user to confirm the call being placed.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.CALL_PRIVILEGED'


Required to be able to access the camera device.

This will automatically enforce the uses-feature manifest element for all camera features. If you do not require all camera features or can properly operate if a camera is not available, then you must modify your manifest as appropriate in order to install on devices that don't support all camera features.

Protection level: dangerous

Constant Value: 'android.permission.CAMERA'


Allows an application to capture audio output. Use the CAPTURE_MEDIA_OUTPUT permission if only the USAGE_UNKNOWN), USAGE_MEDIA) or USAGE_GAME) usages are intended to be captured.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT'


Allows an application to change whether an application component (other than its own) is enabled or not.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE'


Allows an application to modify the current configuration, such as locale.

Protection level: signature privileged development

Constant Value: 'android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION'


Allows applications to change network connectivity state.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE'


Allows applications to enter Wi-Fi Multicast mode.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATE'


Allows applications to change Wi-Fi connectivity state.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE'


Allows an application to clear the caches of all installed applications on the device.

Protection level: signature privileged

Constant Value: 'android.permission.CLEAR_APP_CACHE'


Allows enabling/disabling location update notifications from the radio.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.CONTROL_LOCATION_UPDATES'


Old permission for deleting an app's cache files, no longer used, but signals for us to quietly ignore calls instead of throwing an exception.

Protection level: signature privileged

Constant Value: 'android.permission.DELETE_CACHE_FILES'


Allows an application to delete packages.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Starting in Build.VERSION_CODES.N, user confirmation is requested when the application deleting the package is not the same application that installed the package.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES'


Allows applications to RW to diagnostic resources.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.DIAGNOSTIC'


Allows applications to disable the keyguard if it is not secure.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD'


Allows an application to retrieve state dump information from system services.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.DUMP'


Allows an application to expand or collapse the status bar.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.EXPAND_STATUS_BAR'


Run as a manufacturer test application, running as the root user. Only available when the device is running in manufacturer test mode.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.FACTORY_TEST'


Allows a regular application to use Service.startForeground.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE'


Allows access to the list of accounts in the Accounts Service.

Note: Beginning with Android 6.0 (API level 23), if an app shares the signature of the authenticator that manages an account, it does not need 'GET_ACCOUNTS' permission to read information about that account. On Android 5.1 and lower, all apps need 'GET_ACCOUNTS' permission to read information about any account.

Protection level: dangerous

Constant Value: 'android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS'


Allows access to the list of accounts in the Accounts Service.

Protection level: signature privileged

Constant Value: 'android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS_PRIVILEGED'


Allows an application to find out the space used by any package.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.GET_PACKAGE_SIZE'


This constant was deprecated in API level 21.
No longer enforced.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.GET_TASKS'


This permission can be used on content providers to allow the global search system to access their data. Typically it used when the provider has some permissions protecting it (which global search would not be expected to hold), and added as a read-only permission to the path in the provider where global search queries are performed. This permission can not be held by regular applications; it is used by applications to protect themselves from everyone else besides global search.

Protection level: signature privileged

Constant Value: 'android.permission.GLOBAL_SEARCH'


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Allows an application to install a location provider into the Location Manager.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.INSTALL_LOCATION_PROVIDER'


Allows an application to install packages.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES'


Allows an application to install a shortcut in Launcher.

In Android O (API level 26) and higher, the INSTALL_SHORTCUT broadcast no longer has any effect on your app because it's a private, implicit broadcast. Instead, you should create an app shortcut by using the requestPinShortcut() method from the ShortcutManager class.

Protection level: normal

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Constant Value: ''


Allows an instant app to create foreground services.

Protection level: signature development instant appop

Constant Value: 'android.permission.INSTANT_APP_FOREGROUND_SERVICE'


Allows applications to open network sockets.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.INTERNET'


Allows an application to call ActivityManager.killBackgroundProcesses(String).

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.KILL_BACKGROUND_PROCESSES'


Allows an application to use location features in hardware, such as the geofencing api.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.LOCATION_HARDWARE'


Allows an application to manage access to documents, usually as part of a document picker.

This permission should only be requested by the platform document management app. This permission cannot be granted to third-party apps.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.MANAGE_DOCUMENTS'


Allows a calling application which manages it own calls through the self-managed ConnectionService APIs. See PhoneAccount.CAPABILITY_SELF_MANAGED for more information on the self-managed ConnectionService APIs.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.MANAGE_OWN_CALLS'


Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.MASTER_CLEAR'


Allows an application to know what content is playing and control its playback.

Not for use by third-party applications due to privacy of media consumption

Constant Value: 'android.permission.MEDIA_CONTENT_CONTROL'


Allows an application to modify global audio settings.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS'


Allows modification of the telephony state - power on, mmi, etc. Does not include placing calls.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE'


Allows formatting file systems for removable storage.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.MOUNT_FORMAT_FILESYSTEMS'


Allows mounting and unmounting file systems for removable storage.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS'


Allows applications to perform I/O operations over NFC.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.NFC'


Allows applications to receive NFC transaction events.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.NFC_TRANSACTION_EVENT'


Allows an application to collect component usage statistics

Declaring the permission implies intention to use the API and the user of the device can grant permission through the Settings application.

Protection level: signature privileged development appop

Constant Value: 'android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS'


This constant was deprecated in API level 15.
This functionality will be removed in the future; please do not use. Allow an application to make its activities persistent.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.PERSISTENT_ACTIVITY'


This constant was deprecated in API level 29.
Applications should use CallRedirectionService instead of the Intent.ACTION_NEW_OUTGOING_CALL broadcast.

Allows an application to see the number being dialed during an outgoing call with the option to redirect the call to a different number or abort the call altogether.

Protection level: dangerous

This is a hard restricted permission which cannot be held by an app until the installer on record whitelists the permission. For more details see )'>PackageInstaller.SessionParams.setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions(Set).

Constant Value: 'android.permission.PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS'


Allows an application to read the user's calendar data.

Protection level: dangerous

Constant Value: 'android.permission.READ_CALENDAR'


Allows an application to read the user's call log.

Note: If your app uses the READ_CONTACTS permission and both your minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion values are set to 15 or lower, the system implicitly grants your app this permission. If you don't need this permission, be sure your targetSdkVersion is 16 or higher.

Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited was actually one of the more surprisingly good series I watched out of the Winter 2013 lineup. One of the nice things about this series is while it does have the Zettai Karen Children name slapped to this series, you don't actually have to watch the original Zettai Karen Children to understand the story. Tags: Watch Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited - Hyoubu Kyousuke Episode 1 English Sub, Download Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited - Hyoubu Kyousuke Episode 1 English Sub, Anime Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited - Hyoubu Kyousuke Episode 1 Streaming Online, Watch Unlimited Psychic Squad Episode 1 English Sub, Download Unlimited Psychic. Zettai karen children the unlimited. The Unlimited – Hyoubu Kyousuke Seorang anak yang bernama Kyosuke Hyobu adalah Bos Penjahat Terkuat, P.A.N.D.R.A. Yang melawan pemerintah dan membuat dirinya di tangkap untuk alasan tertentu, didalam penjara dia bertemu seseorang bernama Hinomiya Andy. Credit: D-AnimeSubs. Anime Lainnya: Zettai Karen Children. Download Zettai Karen Children Batch BD Sub Indo, Download Zettai Karen.

Protection level: dangerous

This is a hard restricted permission which cannot be held by an app until the installer on record whitelists the permission. For more details see )'>PackageInstaller.SessionParams.setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions(Set).

Constant Value: 'android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG'


Allows an application to read the user's contacts data.

Protection level: dangerous

Constant Value: 'android.permission.READ_CONTACTS'


Allows an application to read from external storage.

Any app that declares the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission is implicitly granted this permission.

This permission is enforced starting in API level 19. Before API level 19, this permission is not enforced and all apps still have access to read from external storage. You can test your app with the permission enforced by enabling Protect USB storage under Developer options in the Settings app on a device running Android 4.1 or higher.

Also starting in API level 19, this permission is not required to read/write files in your application-specific directories returned by Context.getExternalFilesDir(String) and Context.getExternalCacheDir().

Note: If both your minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion values are set to 3 or lower, the system implicitly grants your app this permission. If you don't need this permission, be sure your targetSdkVersion is 4 or higher.

This is a soft restricted permission which cannot be held by an app it its full form until the installer on record whitelists the permission. Specifically, if the permission is whitelisted the holder app can access external storage and the visual and aural media collections while if the permission is not whitelisted the holder app can only access to the visual and aural medial collections. Also the permission is immutably restricted meaning that the whitelist state can be specified only at install time and cannot change until the app is installed. For more details see )'>PackageInstaller.SessionParams.setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions(Set).

Protection level: dangerous

Constant Value: 'android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE'


This constant was deprecated in API level 16.
The API that used this permission has been removed.

Allows an application to retrieve the current state of keys and switches.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.READ_INPUT_STATE'


Allows an application to read the low-level system log files.

Not for use by third-party applications, because Log entries can contain the user's private information.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.READ_LOGS'


Android Request Permission

Allows read access to the device's phone number(s). This is a subset of the capabilities granted by READ_PHONE_STATE but is exposed to instant applications.

Protection level: dangerous

Constant Value: 'android.permission.READ_PHONE_NUMBERS'


Allows read only access to phone state, including the phone number of the device, current cellular network information, the status of any ongoing calls, and a list of any PhoneAccounts registered on the device.

Note: If both your minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion values are set to 3 or lower, the system implicitly grants your app this permission. If you don't need this permission, be sure your targetSdkVersion is 4 or higher.

Protection level: dangerous

Constant Value: 'android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE'


Allows an application to read SMS messages.

Protection level: dangerous

This is a hard restricted permission which cannot be held by an app until the installer on record whitelists the permission. For more details see )'>PackageInstaller.SessionParams.setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions(Set).

Constant Value: 'android.permission.READ_SMS'


Allows applications to read the sync settings.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.READ_SYNC_SETTINGS'


Allows applications to read the sync stats.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.READ_SYNC_STATS'


Allows an application to read voicemails in the system.

Protection level: signature privileged

Constant Value: ''


Required to be able to reboot the device.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.REBOOT'


Allows an application to receive the Intent.ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED that is broadcast after the system finishes booting. If you don't request this permission, you will not receive the broadcast at that time. Though holding this permission does not have any security implications, it can have a negative impact on the user experience by increasing the amount of time it takes the system to start and allowing applications to have themselves running without the user being aware of them. As such, you must explicitly declare your use of this facility to make that visible to the user.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED'


Allows an application to monitor incoming MMS messages.

Protection level: dangerous

This is a hard restricted permission which cannot be held by an app until the installer on record whitelists the permission. For more details see )'>PackageInstaller.SessionParams.setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions(Set).

Constant Value: 'android.permission.RECEIVE_MMS'


Allows an application to receive SMS messages.

Protection level: dangerous

This is a hard restricted permission which cannot be held by an app until the installer on record whitelists the permission. For more details see )'>PackageInstaller.SessionParams.setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions(Set).

Constant Value: 'android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS'


Allows an application to receive WAP push messages.

Protection level: dangerous

This is a hard restricted permission which cannot be held by an app until the installer on record whitelists the permission. For more details see )'>PackageInstaller.SessionParams.setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions(Set).

Constant Value: 'android.permission.RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH'


Allows an application to record audio.

Protection level: dangerous

Constant Value: 'android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO'


Allows an application to change the Z-order of tasks.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.REORDER_TASKS'


Allows a companion app to run in the background.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.REQUEST_COMPANION_RUN_IN_BACKGROUND'


Allows a companion app to use data in the background.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.REQUEST_COMPANION_USE_DATA_IN_BACKGROUND'


Allows an application to request deleting packages. Apps targeting APIs Build.VERSION_CODES.P or greater must hold this permission in order to use Intent.ACTION_UNINSTALL_PACKAGE or PackageInstaller.uninstall(VersionedPackage, IntentSender).

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.REQUEST_DELETE_PACKAGES'


Permission an application must hold in order to use Settings.ACTION_REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS'


Allows an application to request installing packages. Apps targeting APIs greater than 25 must hold this permission in order to use Intent.ACTION_INSTALL_PACKAGE.

Protection level: signature

Constant Value: 'android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES'


Allows an application to request the screen lock complexity and prompt users to update the screen lock to a certain complexity level.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.REQUEST_PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY'


This constant was deprecated in API level 15.
The ActivityManager.restartPackage(String) API is no longer supported.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.RESTART_PACKAGES'


Allows an application (Phone) to send a request to other applications to handle the respond-via-message action during incoming calls.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.SEND_RESPOND_VIA_MESSAGE'


Allows an application to send SMS messages.

Protection level: dangerous

This is a hard restricted permission which cannot be held by an app until the installer on record whitelists the permission. For more details see )'>PackageInstaller.SessionParams.setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions(Set).

Constant Value: 'android.permission.SEND_SMS'


Allows an application to broadcast an Intent to set an alarm for the user.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: ''


Allows an application to control whether activities are immediately finished when put in the background.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.SET_ALWAYS_FINISH'


Modify the global animation scaling factor.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.SET_ANIMATION_SCALE'


Configure an application for debugging.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.SET_DEBUG_APP'


This constant was deprecated in API level 15.
No longer useful, see PackageManager.addPackageToPreferred(String) for details.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS'


Allows an application to set the maximum number of (not needed) application processes that can be running.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.SET_PROCESS_LIMIT'


Allows applications to set the system time.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.SET_TIME'


Allows applications to set the system time zone.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.SET_TIME_ZONE'

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Allows applications to set the wallpaper.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.SET_WALLPAPER'


Allows applications to set the wallpaper hints.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.SET_WALLPAPER_HINTS'


Allow an application to request that a signal be sent to all persistent processes.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.SIGNAL_PERSISTENT_PROCESSES'


Allows financial apps to read filtered sms messages. Protection level: signature appop

Constant Value: 'android.permission.SMS_FINANCIAL_TRANSACTIONS'


Allows the holder to start the permission usage screen for an app.

Protection level: signature installer

Constant Value: 'android.permission.START_VIEW_PERMISSION_USAGE'


Allows an application to open, close, or disable the status bar and its icons.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.STATUS_BAR'


Allows an app to create windows using the type WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY, shown on top of all other apps. Very few apps should use this permission; these windows are intended for system-level interaction with the user.

Note: If the app targets API level 23 or higher, the app user must explicitly grant this permission to the app through a permission management screen. The app requests the user's approval by sending an intent with action Settings.ACTION_MANAGE_OVERLAY_PERMISSION. The app can check whether it has this authorization by calling Settings.canDrawOverlays().

Protection level: signature preinstalled appop pre23 development

Constant Value: 'android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW'


Allows using the device's IR transmitter, if available.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.TRANSMIT_IR'


Don't use this permission in your app.
This permission is no longer supported.

Constant Value: ''


Allows an application to update device statistics.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS'


Allows an app to use device supported biometric modalities.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC'


This constant was deprecated in API level 28.
Applications should request USE_BIOMETRIC instead

Allows an app to use fingerprint hardware.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.USE_FINGERPRINT'


Required for apps targeting Build.VERSION_CODES.Q that want to use notification full screen intents.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.USE_FULL_SCREEN_INTENT'


Allows an application to use SIP service.

Protection level: dangerous

Constant Value: 'android.permission.USE_SIP'


Allows access to the vibrator.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.VIBRATE'


Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.WAKE_LOCK'


Allows applications to write the apn settings and read sensitive fields of an existing apn settings like user and password.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.WRITE_APN_SETTINGS'


Allows an application to write the user's calendar data.

Protection level: dangerous

Constant Value: 'android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR'


Allows an application to write (but not read) the user's call log data.

Note: If your app uses the WRITE_CONTACTS permission and both your minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion values are set to 15 or lower, the system implicitly grants your app this permission. If you don't need this permission, be sure your targetSdkVersion is 16 or higher.

Protection level: dangerous

This is a hard restricted permission which cannot be held by an app until the installer on record whitelists the permission. For more details see )'>PackageInstaller.SessionParams.setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions(Set).

Constant Value: 'android.permission.WRITE_CALL_LOG'


Allows an application to write the user's contacts data.

Protection level: dangerous

Constant Value: 'android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS'


Allows an application to write to external storage.

Note: If both your minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion values are set to 3 or lower, the system implicitly grants your app this permission. If you don't need this permission, be sure your targetSdkVersion is 4 or higher.

Starting in API level 19, this permission is not required to read/write files in your application-specific directories returned by Context.getExternalFilesDir(String) and Context.getExternalCacheDir().

If this permission is not whitelisted for an app that targets an API level before Build.VERSION_CODES.Q this permission cannot be granted to apps.

Protection level: dangerous

Constant Value: 'android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE'


Allows an application to modify the Google service map.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Download Cache Size Chart

Constant Value: 'android.permission.WRITE_GSERVICES'


Allows an application to read or write the secure system settings.

Not for use by third-party applications.

Constant Value: 'android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS'


Allows an application to read or write the system settings.

Note: If the app targets API level 23 or higher, the app user must explicitly grant this permission to the app through a permission management screen. The app requests the user's approval by sending an intent with action Settings.ACTION_MANAGE_WRITE_SETTINGS. The app can check whether it has this authorization by calling Settings.System.canWrite().

Protection level: signature preinstalled appop pre23

Constant Value: 'android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS'


Allows applications to write the sync settings.

Protection level: normal

Constant Value: 'android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS'


Allows an application to modify and remove existing voicemails in the system.

Warframe Optimizing Download Cache

Protection level: signature privileged

Android Get Download Cache Directory Permission

Constant Value: ''

Public constructors

Android Developer Permissions
